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Therapy for Anxiety
Feelings of anxiety and stress are a normal part of daily life. However, when anxiety becomes overwhelming or persists to the point where it disrupts your ability to enjoy life, it may be helpful to seek professional support.
Take a moment to review the information below, and let’s connect to explore ways you can be supported.
Common CLIENT Concerns
social anxiety
health anxiety
relationship anxiety
generalized anxiety
thought obsessions and/or compulsive behaviours (i.e., OCD)
fear or specific phobias
panic attacks or symptoms
trauma and attachment
Physical Symptoms OF ANXIETY
increased heart rate
heart palpitations
shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
muscle tension
gastro-intestinal issues
shaking or trembling
numbness or tingling
fatigue or tiredness
sweaty palms or increased temperature
Common Anxiety Triggers
work pressure
financial concerns
relationship conflicts
health problems
major life changes (e.g., moving or job transition)
social situations
fear of the unknown or uncertainty about the future
traumatic experiences or memories
lack of sleep
overwhelming responsibilities
At Psychotherapy GTA, Nadia provides compassionate anxiety counselling and therapy, helping to identify underlying causes and develop effective coping strategies.
Reach out for your free 20-minute phone consultation today!